Dr Free Gift & BOGO

Why Checkout shows an error when I have gifts in cart and the app is disabled?



Our Dr Free Gift, BOGO Buy X Get Y app allows Shopify stores to offer automatic free gifts based on configurable conditions. Additionally, it provides gift fraud prevention features like its Checkout Validation Rule. This rule can generate an error message on Checkout when a gift is included but it should not be.

Why is the Error Shown When it Should Not Be?

While the Checkout Validation Rule is extremely useful to deter gift fraud hackers, it has one limitation. When the app is disabled using the toggle on top of the app, no gifts should ever reach Checkout. So, while the app is disabled, you will always see an error message when a gift is included, even if you’re using the app’s Preview Links feature to test your setup before going live.

This happens because the Checkout Validation Rule only receives the cart data, and nothing regarding the current session context. Thus, it’s not possible to determine whether it’s testing a fraudulent cart, or a cart that belongs to the shop owner who’s currently testing the app.


While this issue affects your ability to test the app while it’s disabled, it will not interfere with real customers once you’re ready to set you gift promotions live.

If on the other hand the app is already enabled, and you have reached a goal which added a gift to the cart, however you still see an error on Checkout, be sure to contact our support team immediately so that we can investigate further.

If our support team isn’t available at that time, please disable the app until we’re able to verify that it’s functioning as expected. This way it will not interfere with your customers, and we’ll be able to test it as soon as the support team is back.