Dr Free Gift & BOGO

Can you include shipping and taxes in the free gift order minimum requirement? (Dr Free Gift, BOGO Buy X Get Y Shopify App)


Can you include shipping and taxes in the free gift order minimum requirement?

Short Answer: No. The Dr Free Gift, BOGO Buy X Get Y app’s subtotal minimum requirement for free gift goals always excludes both shipping and taxes.

Technical Explanation

The exclusion of shipping and taxes from the minimum requirement calculation occurs due to a fundamental aspect of the Shopify checkout process:

  1. Shipping costs and taxes are only calculated during the checkout phase
  2. Once a customer enters checkout, the products in their cart can no longer be modified
  3. The app needs to add or remove gifts based on cart qualification
  4. Therefore, shipping and taxes cannot be factored into gift qualification decisions

Example Scenario

If you set a free gift goal with a $100 minimum requirement:

  • A cart with $98 of products + $5 shipping + $7 tax = $110 total
  • This would not qualify for the free gift
  • Only the $98 product subtotal is considered
  • The cart needs $100 in product subtotal before shipping/tax to qualify

Best Practices

When setting your minimum requirements:

  • Consider only the product subtotal in your calculations
  • Communicate clearly to customers that the minimum is pre-tax and pre-shipping
  • Set thresholds that make sense for your base product prices
  • Account for this limitation in your profit margin calculations

Additional Notes

The app’s behavior regarding shipping and taxes cannot be modified, as it is tied to core Shopify checkout functionality. This ensures consistent and predictable gift qualification across all stores using the app.